This maxim is especially true in regards to a college education today. College costs are at an all-time high, along with uncertainty among students and their families about the ability to pay. Significant financial assistance is available in the form of financial aid. You and your family can improve your chances of receiving financial aid by learning as much as you can about it and by strategically planning ahead.
*There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
In the initial stages of exploring possible educational paths, it is important to know your financial circumstances and what resources are available for funding your education. Attendant to this are a several questions you must ask and answer. Among them; Are you eligible for need-based aid? Are you eligible for merit-based aid or other scholarships? Are student loans something you and/or your family will consider? The pages in this section of the Pine View School website will direct you to resources for answering such questions and gathering information about various topics related to Paying for College.
Opportunity Cost
When considering a college education, it is important to recognize that it is both an investment and a consumption decision. Paying for your education is an investment in your (i.e. your skills, knowledge and credentials) and is often a sound investment. Other features of a college experience may be purely enjoyable, and represent a personal desire or want, such as paying for the experience of being on a beautiful campus. It is critical to determine through research, reflection and open dialogue what you and your family are able and willing to afford.